Monday 17 September 2012

Getting Crafty | Crochet Style

Today's blog post is going to be a little different! Some of you may have noticed that 'crochet' is fast becoming the 'it' craft. I've always classed myself as an arty/crafty person from a very young age. So much so I took GCSE in Textiles and Art and luckily passed them both! So I've always had that interest and excitement about making something and putting your stamp on it so to speak. After following some lovely peeps on Instagram and drooling over their beautiful crochet creations I knew I had to learn and join in the fun! After speaking to my mum about learning so mentioned a new wool shop which had opened up and they were running one-off beginners sessions. So off we trotted and put our names and have paid for our spaces. In the mean time I still found myself itching to get started. It so happened I already had a crochet hook from years ago, probably my grans. So after searching round the house for some old balls of wool to practise on I sat down and watched a few You Tube videos, this is a great way of learning. I learn best watching someone, I soon mastered the chain stitch and felt confident enough to tackle some stitches. 

Soon after trying my mum mentioned a new Crochet magazine which was due to release, so after searching roughly 5 shops I found it at Asda. The first issue was only 99p, it had 2 balls of yarn, a crochet hook, DVD and of course the paper copy of the issue with photographs, patterned and step by step help. I picked up a couple because I knew the yarn and crochet hook was well worth the 99p! I'm not sure if you can still but the 1st issue but I know the 2nd issue is out so if you want to collect it then I recommend you snap one up quickly.

Getting Started...

Crochet Hooks.
There's many crochet hooks, as little knitting needles they all come in different sizes. The finer the crochet hook the smaller the crochet, very fine crochet hooks are good for adding detailing. Where as the larger the hook the more chunkier the crochet will look, plus you'll go through more yarn quicker. I tend to favour the larger hooks, my favourite size being 6mm. I already had the size 6mm hook which is by Pony and is plastic. Some people may favour the Aluminum ones, it all depends on what feels comfortable for you. I don't mind them because they sometimes slip through the stitches easier I find. I want to try the Bamboo ones next I think. I recently bought this set from Ebay for next to nothing, they took 10-12days to arrive.

I used this Ebay Seller.

It's best to practise on some cheap wool first rather than waste you pennies on some special ones, I had some from years ago which my gran gave me. I know you can buy them cheaply, you may want 4 ply or 3ply to practise with. It's a case of trial and error and finding out what works best for you.

Below is an example showing you what your work can look like if you're crocheting too tight or too loose. I used the metal size 4mm which came free with the crochet magazine.

I think the key thing you have to remember is the good old saying 'Practise makes perfect' and this case YES it sure does. After a 3weeks of practising and having little breaks in between my work has now started to look more neat and even.

I store all my wool, crochet hooks and other crafty items in this old handbag which I bought many moons ago when on holiday in Cyprus. I picked it up because it reminded me of the famous Orla kiely print!

I made this sweet Granny Square yesterday afternoon using the size 6mm plastic Pony crochet hook.

If you're on a budget then don't forget to pop to your local library and see what books they have for ideas and step by step guides! Crochet magazines are also another great way of finding new patterns, also check online. There's so many wonderful blogs out there.

I hope you enjoyed this post and if you would like to see my other Crafty Projects let me know! Here's a sneak Peek of another crafty project which I've been enjoying, I'm making a cushion using tapestry.

Are you crafty? Have you tried Crochet?
If you have any questions please ask away and I will do my best to answer them as best I can.

Sherrie xoxo

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