Friday, 24 December 2010

Christmas Chocolate Crispies

Ok so I know I'm no cupcake queen...YET! might I add. However being a busy SAHM I am a little educated in the kitchen area!
So after being iced in for 6 days! I started to get cabin fever, so to keep my mind off things and keep my little boy entertained we made christmas chocolate crispies and christmas salt dough!

I'm not going to say how to make these because I know you all know but here are some snap shots from start to finish!

So there you go hope you enjoyed the shots as much as we enjoyed eating them!

Thanks for stoping by and MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my lovely followers


  1. Happy Christmas Sherrie! Those cupcakes look amazing, I hope you have a lovely day :) xxx

  2. Thanks Caz :) Merry Christmas to you aswell hun :) have a good one x

  3. They look great fun, merry xmas hun xx

  4. Thanks Nicoletta have a fab Christmas hunnie :) xx


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