Well where did I get?? How did it cost?? I hear you say, well pop the kettle on and get comfy and I'll spill the beans. One word BUYAPOWA, if you've not heard of them then you need to get onto twitter & follow them. They have a website where you buy high end brands at great prices. OK what's the catch I hear you mutter under your breathe, well ladies and gents there is no catch! Basically they have co-buys which you can join and the more people which join the better the price. Check out the site for more info oh and a better description ha ha!
OK drum roll, yep this does deserve a drum roll...

I love the neat compact size and shape of the Mia. This has slotted into my skincare routine just perfect. I will do a comparison post with the Nutri Sonic. The Clarisonic Mia retails at £120 and you rarely see this any cheaper, but thanks to BUYAPOWA I was able to get mine £30 cheaper costing £90.

After watching a few YouTube videos the only thing which I was a little hung up about was the charger. I saw on Fleur de Forces video review the charger is a European 2 slotted one which is a tad annoying. Anywhooo when I lifted up the Clarisonic underneath had the charger and low in behold it has a UK plug! Result!

The charger for the Mia is very sleek and oh so chic, you simply join the round magnet part of the charger to the bottom of the Mia handle. Simples.

Then lastly a handy booklet all about the Mia of your felling a little Mia!

I'm sure you will be seeing lots of posts featuring this little gem of a tool! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
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