I have my own domain now and have made the tough decision to move to Word press so I hope you all enjoy and continue to support Beauty in The Mirror. Sadly I couldn't keep my original blog name Mirror, Mirror On The Wall because as you can imagine that was already taken so it took a little while to come up with a new name which still had the same ring to it. So Beauty In The Mirror was born.
The lovely wizards from Wizard PR kindly awarded me with their Wizard Blogger Award and I wanted to write up a little post to say how much it really means to have my blog recognised. I mean we all like it when someone says something good or nice about us don't we? Follow the wizards on twitter to keep up todate with beauty news and launches @WizardPR.

Thanks to all your support and I look forward to welcoming you all to my new home ♥
In the words of Lotso Hugging Bear HEARTS & FLOWERS

First of all well done on your award!! How have you managed to move everything including followers etc over to wordpress? I think you should do a 'how to' blog post, I'd like to move but wouldn't know where to start :) Jude xx @jadlgw