Monday 25 July 2011

Glamoriser- Updated

Hello my honeysuckles! I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine here in the UK, it really makes a difference to your day when the sun is beaming ♥

I just wanted to quickly update my previous post about the Glamoriser, I have just used the styling tool as hair straighteners and can't believe how good they are. I took before and after snap shots so you can see for yourself how well they work plus bare in mind I have thick hair as well.

Natural dried hair

 Straightened Hair

So overall I'm very happy with the end finish, I probably had to go over a few bits a couple times but not enough to make my arms ache. I had the temperature at 190'C which is hot but found I could've had it a little hotter maybe so next time I will try the next temp up. I even curled up the ends of my hair at the front thanks to the shape of the barrel.


  1. Your hair looks great! I like the way your hair has been straightened but doesn't look really obviously straightened, if you know what I mean haha. I hate when hair is completely straight, looks much more natural the way you have it :) xx

  2. Thank you! My hair is so thick and I really didnt think my hair would look this sleek! x


♥ Thanks for your messages they bring a smile to my face Thank you ♥